Tom Toles Biography
Tom Toles’s real name is Thomas Gregory Toles he is a retired American political cartoonist. However, he is the winner of the 1990 Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning. Additionally, his cartoons typically presented progressive viewpoints.
Tom Toles Age
Born in the year 1951 in Buffalo, New York in the United States on October 22nd. Currently, he is at the age of 73 years old.
Tom Toles Height
Currently, we do not have any details on his actual height. He appears a man of average height.
Toles Weight | Weight Lose
Likewise to his height same is the weight he does not appear quite heavy but of average body weight. However, we do not have any information about his actual body weight.
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Tom Toles Family
Unfortunately, as of now, there is no information leading to his family’s whereabouts. However, we shall update you as soon as possible.
Tom Toles Education
He graduated Magna cum laude from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. So, in 2008 he began performing with the rock band Suspicious Package at venues around Washington D.C. The band consists of Toles on drums, a former HUD senior official Bryan Greene on guitar, and Josh Meyer of the L.A. Times on lead guitar.
Trade Representative senior official Christian Sevilla on keyboard. The band debuted on May 30, 2008, at the red and the black in Northeast D.C. Therefore endorsed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Tom Toles Career
So being a Pulitzer Prize winner, was an editorial cartoonist for The Washington Post from 2002 until 2020. However, he joined the newspaper after 19 years as a cartoonist for the Buffalo News and nine years with the Buffalo Courier-Express. Apart from that, he has also produced a syndicated comic strip. Generally, his cartoons are also collected in six books. Furthermore, he is the author of a children’s book, “My School Is Worse Than Yours.”
Nevertheless, he left The Buffalo News in 2002, accepting an offer from The Washington Post to replace their cartoonist HerblockAdditionally, is under contract by Universal Press Syndicate. Currently, part of his acceptance of his new job required him to give up his United Feature-distributed daily and Sunday cartoon panel Randolph Itch 2 AM. It was a cartoon based on Toles’ thoughts while battling insomnia
In the end, he was replaced at the Buffalo News by Adam Zyglis. In addition to Randolph Itch 2 AM. Besides that, he also started a daily and Sunday comic strip about small children namely Curious Avenue. It was from 1992 to 1994 through his future editorial cartooning syndicate, Universal Press Syndicate. Generally, a collection of the strip in 1993 through the publisher Andrews McMeel Publishing.
Although, he retired from political cartooning in the year 2020 in October after serving 18 years as a Washington Post political cartoonist. In the last political cartoon of his career, namely Tom Toles’s final cartoon, he advocated for voting against Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election. Moreover, he warned about climate change and the disruptive power of artificial intelligence.
Tom Toles’s Net worth
Regardless, he is one of the richest political cartoonists in America. He has a growing net worth of around $ 3 million to $5 million.
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Tom Toles Salary
Since he is retired we have no records of his previous salary amount or contract agreement. Although we shall keep updating in case of any information.
Tom Toles Wife | Spouse
Today he is in a happy marriage to his loving wife namely, Gretchen Saarnijoki. The couple got together in the year 1973 and has been together to date together they have two children, Amanda and Seth.
Tom Toles Books
- The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threa
- NOW Who Do We Blame? Tom Toles
- My school is worse than yours Tom Toles
- Duh– and other observations Tom Toles
- Curious Avenue Tom Toles
- My elected representatives went to Washington